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How cleaning helps mental health

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How cleaning helps mental health 


Cleaning is a heathy undertaking. A clean home contributes to a healthier lifestyle. It helps your physical and mental health. It maintains your physical health by minimizing dirt and germs which cause illnesses. And here are several ways in how cleaning helps mental health. 


Depression is often accompanied by lack of motivation. Having a messy and dirty home can certainly contribute to feeling more down. When your home is cluttered and dirty, you tend to feel bad about it. Although cleaning may feel like a big undertaking for someone with depression, it benefits the overall state. So starting small when overwhelmed can help with that. Beginning with things like washing the dishes can already feel like an accomplishment. And once you’re passed a few small steps, it gets easier. And while you can’t cure depression by cleaning, it is a great step towards feeling better.

Stress and Anxiety 

Cluttered and dirty home also contributes to stress and anxiety. You can calm your nerves, decrease stress and anxiety by cleaning your home. Physical activity of cleaning can serve as an exercise. And exercising is highly recommended by specialists in mental health field. In addition, a clean and organized house becomes more of a peaceful space. This provides for a good place to relax. 


A clean home is a relaxation haven. Getting in your pyjamas into clean sheets in an organized and clean room is number one step to being able to relax before drifting into sleep. You benefit from the physical activity by tiring yourself out. And you benefit from having calmed your nerves once you have a clean home (at least partially). So when the cleaning is finished, a relaxed mind and body will help you sleep better. 

Some specialist services in mental health include cleaning as a part of their work. A therapist knows the benefits of a clean home to one’s mental health. So when patients with depression, anxiety or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are visited by their therapists at home, cleaning takes place as a part of a therapy session. This helps clients relax and feel better about their environment. 

While cleaning doesn’t cure all symptoms of mental health, it surely has a beneficial aspect. If you or someone you know is suffering from excessive stress or mental health disorder, cleaning is a sound suggestion. In case you are in need of a good cleaning company, you can always call us to book your appointment

We offer House Cleaning Services in the following Areas:

Our main office is in Toronto, but our commercial cleaning services are available in the Greater Toronto Area, Oakville, North York, Vaughan, and many other cities in Ontario. You may also reach us via (647) 888-8441 for inquiries regarding our service locations.

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